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Growth on Membranes:
Storage, Shipping, and System Shut-Down.
By: Gil K. Dhawan Ph.D. P.E.,
Applied Membranes, Inc.
Note: Click Italicized
Underlined words for product information.
Membrane Storage
Store membranes in a cool area out of
direct sunlight. Membrane storage temperature limits are
22°F-113°F (-5.5°C to 45°C)
Preserve in a solution of 2%
This will not prevent freezing below 32°F, but the crystals are soft
and the membrane is not damaged.
Keep new elements in original packaging.
Examine the preservative in preserved
elements every 3 months. If not clear, remove and re-preserve.
The pH of the preservative should not drop below 3.
Storage time for preserved elements is 6
months to 1 year.
Storage time for dry (new) elements is
unlimited, and these can withstand temperatures below 22°F.
Membrane Shipping
Preserve the element in the plastic bag
using the recommended procedure. Make sure the plastic bag does
not leak and the element is properly identified.
Make sure the preservative solution is
correctly labeled.
Protect the element package from physical
System Shut-Down
Clean the membranes in the system using
the cleaning procedure.
Circulate the preservative solution.
Shut down the system and close valves to
prevent air entering the system.
Check preservative once a month.