Will Ozone damage the membranes?
 Yes. Ozone, chlorine and other oxidizing agents
will damage the membranes permanently.

What is ozone?

Ozone is a gas. Ozone is a three atoms molecule of oxygen. Generally is
represented as 03.

How is Ozone produced?

In the atmosphere, by lightning actuating on oxygen. The, oxygen (two
atoms), is transformed in Ozone (three atoms). Some devices, (Ozone
Generators), produce Ozone "on site", by using high voltage (corona
effect), and transform oxygen into ozone, by adding an extra atom. Ozone
is not stored or carried as chlorine.
Other devices, produce Ozone by using UV (Ultra Violet) systems, but
they are not so effective as Generators.
Ozone is the most powerful oxidant for water treatment, and
disinfections process, specially for food and beverage Industry. It is
environmental friendly and FDA (Food and Drug Administration - USA),
classifies Ozone as GRAS (Generally Recognized as Safe).

Ozone will affect the taste of my water?

If used correctly, no. The correct dosage is essential for success, as
an example take the following:
Polycarbonate Bottles: 0.2...0.4 ppm
- More than 0.5 ppm you will have taste problems (Ozone with the plastic)
- Less than 0.2 ppm disinfections are not ensured
PET Bottles: 0.2 ppm maximum
- Higher than 0.2 ppm and you will have taste problems